first post...
TESTING TESTING ONE TWO THREE>>> Anybody got any "spare" ideas bout research commision?? Im thinking about doing something to do with costume or make-up as i haveney tackled anything of that nature yet - other interests inculde - the irish (for reasons other than the guiness..) and ballet - maybe irish ballet>? but where to go from there ---> bed i think...
Daisy, thanx for being first. Now the RC. If you want to do make up etc then you are researching for a designer. BUT BEFORE THAT you must select a TRADITION and then a play relevant to that. So pop in and look at the list on the card on the white board near my desk. From B to Z.
A possibility could be: Yeats and Irish theatre of the 1900s. Go to the HISTORY OF THEATRE by Brockett. [ in library and pit ] and read a bit on p.421-2.
Yeats was influenced by NOH and his poetic-mythic works used mask. Sooooooo...
Play = AT the Hawks Well.[1917]
I think it would then allow you to cover: Ireland, Mask/make up, Noh connections, related play and Irish Renaissance[tradition]
I think they would accept that.
Hi! I am a student at the United Nations International School of New York and I am currently working on a research commission for my IB theatre arts class. I am focusing on the danced aspect of Kathakali. So any information will help me. Thank you so much!
Hullo Gabriela, thank you for finding my site. I dont know how to help you with Kathakali. I dont even know if you can read this. Sadly I am in Japan and not India. Good luck. Perhaps you can be a bit more specific.
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